Help us create solutions to build stronger communities.

Join us in our fight for our community’s access to equitable services in health, education, and financial wellness.

Who We Are

We are a collaborator, a direct service provider, and a funder dedicated to driving transformative change across the county. We concentrate on identifying service gaps through 211 and use this real-time data to enhance the capacity of other CBOs or to develop programs that address these unmet needs. Our approach prioritizes the individual, ensuring every voice is heard by enhancing access to information and services across languages, cultures, and traditions.

We are part of United Way Worldwide, the world's largest philanthropic network, which operates in nearly 1,100 communities across more than 37 countries and territories, covering 95% of the United States. This extensive network maintains strong relationships across government, business, and nonprofit sectors. Each local branch, including ours, functions autonomously with its own Board of Directors determining the fundraising and spending within the community.